

你们和那些选择去西部的最优秀最聪明的人一起创造了历史! 现在是准备毕业的时候了. The steps listed here will guide you through the graduation process; please read and follow these steps closely.

如果你需要帮助, the Graduation Team in the Registrar's Office is here to help you make your mark as you transition from student to Alumni.




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10:00 AM - Richards College of Business; School of Communication, Film, and Media; & 坦纳卫生系统护理学院

下午2:00 -教育学院 & University College






申请毕业(学位) & 独立完成证书)

学位候选人:学位候选人必须申请毕业以授予学位,并有资格参加他们预计完成所有要求的学期的毕业典礼. 夏季候选人将根据学位课程的剩余时间参加春季或秋季毕业典礼. 如果你觉得你有情有可原的情况并且想要求参加一个仪式而不是你所指定的仪式, please complete the 行军例外申请表格.

Stand-Alone Certificate Candidates: Certificate candidates must apply for graduation for certificate awarding, 但没有资格参加毕业典礼. 

所有打算毕业的学生,无论是否打算参加毕业典礼,都必须申请毕业并缴纳规定的费用. The Graduation Application and fee is valid for one year from the student's intended term of graduation. 不申请毕业的学生将不会获得学位或独立证书,也不会获得文凭. 学生必须在毕业申请截止日期前申请. The Graduation Application fee is $40 per degree and $20 per 独立的证书.

如果我错过了申请截止日期怎么办? 迟交的申请可以被接受,不收取额外费用. 一旦你发现自己错过了截止日期, 请在您的自助服务横幅帐户中填写申请. Students who apply late will have their degree audit reviewed after those students who applied prior to the deadline. Please note, students who apply late for graduation risk not having their name included in the Commencement Program.


毕业学期Application Opens申请的最后期限
FallFebruary 1stAugust 1st
SpringApril 1stOctober 1st
Summer*September 1stMarch 1st


要访问在线毕业申请和费用支付,请登录 学生自助服务,选择“申请毕业”连结. Follow the instructions listed on the Graduation Application to complete your application, 支付申请费, 并提交处理. 提交付款后,点击“完成”. 请注意,直到付款, your application will not be received by the Office of the Registrar for processing. Please Note: The first question on the graduation application is asking for your last term of enrollment, 不是你想要毕业的学期. 如果您目前正在注册课程,您将列出当前学期. 

  • 本科学生必须具备 总工作时间至少85小时 在申请毕业之前. 工作时数不包括正在进行的或未来的注册课程. 研究生没有最低学时要求. 连续三个学期没有参加在线博彩的学生必须在申请毕业之前重新进入学位或证书课程. Contact the Undergraduate or Graduate 招生办公室寻求帮助.
  • 在毕业申请过程中, students will be asked to indicate their 毕业典礼 attendance preference (degree candidates only), 核实将印在文凭和/或证书上的姓名, and to provide the address where their diploma and/or certificate will be mailed after degrees & 颁发证书.
  • 即将毕业的学生 dual degrees (ex. Bachelor of Arts & 理学学士或工商管理硕士 & Master of Professional Accounting) must apply for graduation twice and pay two fees. 双学位学生将获得两份文凭. 修读双学位的学生(如:学生). Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Sociology) will only apply once and pay one fee. Double major 学生将获得一张双专业文凭.
  • 学生谁打算获得一个 独立的证书 将通过网上毕业申请申请毕业. Students earning a 独立的证书 and a degree must apply and pay the fee for each degree and 独立的证书. 嵌入式证书 are awarded by academic departments; students must apply for that certificate through the academic department that sponsors the embedded certificate program. 嵌入式证书不收费.

一旦你提交了毕业申请并支付了申请费,你现在就在学位候选人名单上了. 学生应该咨询他们的学术顾问或项目主任,以获得毕业需要满足的任何剩余要求的指导. Additionally, 学生应该密切关注他们的西乔治亚州电子邮件帐户,了解有关缺失学位要求的重要信息, the 毕业典礼 and diplomas.


学生可在自助服务网页浏览已填妥的毕业申请表. 要查看你的毕业申请,请登录 学生自助服务 并选择“查看我的毕业申请”链接. By viewing your Graduation Application you can verify your intended term of graduation, 你出席典礼的偏好, 要印在你的文凭上的名字和你的文凭邮寄地址. You may request to update the information listed on your Graduation Application by completing the 毕业资料更新表格.



通过完成校友会,与在线博彩校友会建立联系 & 朋友毕业信息表.

Alumni & 朋友毕业信息表

注册办公室的毕业组负责审核学位记录,以完成学位并在毕业后授予学位. Each student will have their degree audited three times prior to graduation to ensure all requirements are met. Students who are missing degree requirements will be notified via their 在线博彩 email account. 学生可以查看他们的学位审核 Wolf Watch (Degree Works). Wolf Watch是官方的大学学位审核系统.

Audit ReviewReview Process

Initial Review

The Initial Review process begins after students register for their intended term of graduation. 在毕业申请截止日期之前申请的学生将对其学位审核进行审查,并将在不迟于其预期毕业学期课程的第一天收到结果通知.

很可能所有申请毕业的学生都将在其预期毕业学期的第一周课程结束之前收到审计结果. However, students who applied prior to the deadline will receive priority in the review process.


The 全面审查 process begins after the add/drop period for full-term courses in the intended graduation term. Students who are not meeting requirements will be notified via their 在线博彩 email account. 如果在预定毕业期的期中未达到要求, 学生将被行政延迟到下学期(如果他们的申请尚未到期),并由学位审核员通知.

Final Review & Degree Awarding

The Final Review process begins the week after graduation when final grades are posted. Students who are meeting all degree requirements will have their degree formally awarded 5-7 business days after graduation. 不符合要求的学生将被推迟到下学期(如果他们的申请尚未到期),并将由学位审核员通知.

Updating your Graduation Term, Ceremony Attendance Preference, or Diploma Mailing Address

如果学生知道自己不会在申请的学期毕业,或者学生想要更新他们的毕业典礼出席情况或文凭邮寄地址,请填写 毕业资料更新表格 for assistance. 一旦请求的更改得到确认, students will be able to view the changes in Self-Service Banner when they view their Graduation Application.

  • Students may update their graduation term for up to one year from their original intended term of graduation. 需要更新毕业申请的学生需要在预定学期的一年之后提交新的毕业申请并支付额外费用.
  • 从未出席到出席的学生必须在毕业典礼前至少4周将他们的名字印在毕业典礼计划上.
  • Students who update their diploma mailing address must contact the Graduation Team at least one week prior to graduation. Updating your permanent or mailing address in Self-Service Banner will not update your diploma mailing address.


The University of West Georgia awards baccalaureate degrees with honors to those undergraduates who have earned a minimum of a 3.在线博彩平均成绩50分(机构GPA). 如果从其他机构转学的候选人符合在线博彩的最低居住要求,并根据以下计算中较高者达到最低GPA,则有资格获得荣誉:机构GPA或所有在线博彩和转学课程. 课程重播被计算在院校学费中 & 复读政策中所述的总成绩. Baccalaureate degrees are awarded with honors based on the following grade point average range for all courses attempted:

  • 3.50 - 3.79 GPA -荣誉(优等生)
  • 3.80 - 3.89 GPA -高荣誉(优等)
  • 3.90 - 4.00 GPA -最高荣誉(summa cum laude)

因为毕业典礼之后才会公布成绩, the initial honors designation is based on the student’s honors GPA at the end of the semester prior to the graduating semester. 没有达到GPA要求的学生在毕业典礼上被指定为荣誉获得者,将不允许作为荣誉获得者行走,也不允许从大学书店购买荣誉证书. 官方荣誉称号将在毕业典礼后确定,届时学期成绩正式公布,荣誉GPA重新计算. GPAs are truncated to the second decimal place and will not be rounded (example, a 3.49不会四舍五入到3.50). 以优异成绩毕业的学生将获得荣誉学位(优等生等).),在他们的正式成绩单和文凭上注明.



希望邀请国际嘉宾的毕业生可能需要为每个国际嘉宾提供邀请函,以支持签证申请. 请透过电邮联络在线博彩 graduation@afghanistantourism.net 索取邀请信. 


  • Student Name & 917#
  • Embassy Name & Address
  • 每位国际客人的全名
